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    How to achieve work-life balance

    [ Release time:2020-06-03 09:35:22.0 | Browse volume:591 ]

    In life,keeping a banlance between your personal life and your career requires vision and focus.You have to know what you want to achieve in these two areas and then set goals which are consistent with your vision.Sometimes,your focus may be temporarily transferred to other areas due to something in your life or a situation at work.Although you made adjustments to adapt to,it's impossible to keep unbalanced indefinitely.If so,your health,your relationships,or your job(or all three!)will be affected.

    I often talk about the beauty of baclance that nature has repeatedly taught us:if an ecosystem is not balanced,it's not sustainable.There are many other examples showing the importance of balance.If you talk too much and listen too little,your relationships will be damaged.A person who eats too much and exercises too little will have health problems.A boss criticizes too much and praises too little will undermine an emploee's self-esteem and self-confidence.Even your car also needs to maintain wheel balance,or you will experience an uncomfortable and possibly dangerous journey.

    In TED speech,Nigel Marsh shared four tips on how to achieve work-life balance.

    The first point,how to achieve a balance between work and life.Do not fall into meaningless discussions.Many work and life are  fundamentally incompatible.To solve any problem is acknowledging the reality of the situation you 're in.

    The second point,the governments and corporations can not help you solve the problem,you can only rely on yourself and take responsibility for yourself.

    The third point,what kind of time unit to measure the balance we are trying to achieve.One day is too short and too long after retirement.There must be a compromise.

    The fourth point,we have to approach balance in a balanced way,to take care of all aspects pf intellectual side,emotional side,spiritual side.

    The small things matter.Achieve balance doesn't mean subverting life.With small investment in the right places,you can transform the quality of your life.If everyone do it,being able to redefine society’s perception of success is no longer a measure of material wealth, but a realization of a better life

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